teisipäev, 22. aprill 2008

avalike raamatukogude kriis Suurbritannias

Mõtlemapanevat lugemist The Independentist: eelmisel aastal suleti Ühendkuningriigis 40 avalikku raamatukogu, koondati üksjagu raamatukogutöötajaid. Protsess jätkub 2008...
"Anger at library cuts as ministers admit 40 have closed this year" - kohalike protestidest üle Inglismaa ja mõningate arvamusliidrite arvamusi raamatukogu rollist varemalt ning tänapäeval.
"The Big Question: Does the decline in book lending spell the end for the public library?" - kas ja miks laenatakse tänapäeval vähem? Kas raamatukogu on koht vaid raamatute laenutamiseks? Arvatakse nii ja naa.
"A library's core purpose is to provide access to knowledge," said Guy Daines, director of policy at the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (Cilip). "In modern society, it is now the case that we get our knowledge from more and more sources and it's right that libraries should provide access to those. They complement books, rather than replace them."
Artikli kokkuvõte:
"Do libraries still have a role in 21st-century Britain?
* The number of visits made to libraries has stayed steady over the past three years, even if borrowing has fallen
* People now use libraries for different things, such as internet access and DVD borrowing
* Many libraries are successfully starting reading groups and related events. They do a lot of good work besides book lending
* If someone wants a book, they can buy it much more cheaply than in the past
* Libraries' provision of free access to books was all important in the past. Modern schooling and welfare has made this less important
* They have had increased funding and yet have been unable to attract more people to use their services "

Rasked küsimused ja otsused. Kohati tundub, et ühekülgselt vaadatud. Samas kui taga on poliitiline surve ja jääd alla, siis ei pruugigi muud varianti olla.

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