esmaspäev, 14. aprill 2008

fotod veebis

Viimases Information Researchi numbris on huvitav ülevaade Inglismaal tehtud uurimusest Flickri kasutamisest ja amatöörfotograafiast "Flickr: a first look at user behaviour in the context of photography as serious leisure". Telefoni teel intervjueeriti 11 aktiivset kasutajat ja uuriti nende kogemusi.
"Results. The affordances of the system affect the satisfactions of hobby photography. Flickr creates moral dilemmas, such as whether to reciprocate comments or tag the photos of others. The system's appeal lies in its moral qualities as much as whether it is easy to use or performs functions efficiently. Flickr draws users into the hobby and so, like the camera club or the magazine, can be linked to the interests of industry. Yet it is too pessimistic to see it as simply a vehicle of consumerist culture; users expressed almost unqualified satisfaction with the system for its direct pleasures and learning opportunities.
Conclusions. The fluid social relations of Flickr potentially free the hobby from the rather restrictive codes and ordering of the photographic club."

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