reede, 20. august 2010

blogimine rahvaraamatukogudes Suurbritannias

Huvitav lugemine sotsiaalmeedia (eriti blogide) kasutusest Suurbritannias: Public Library 2.0: Culture Change? ajakirjas Ariadne.
"...In aiming to discover the level of engagement of UK public libraries with Library 2.0, I specifically concentrated on blogging in order to narrow the focus of the research to a scope that was achievable given the time constraints. I also felt that blogs are perhaps the most versatile Web 2.0 tool at libraries’ disposal, so that taking a snapshot of blog activity would give a pretty good idea of their wider engagement with Web 2.0 tools. Consequently, I tried to find as many UK public library blogs as I could. Further to this end, I wanted to explore the attitudes and behaviours of public librarians towards the use of Library 2.0 in their libraries which I did with an online survey."

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