esmaspäev, 14. detsember 2009

Google' huvitavad arengud

Just siis, kui tundub, et kas ometi mõni konkurent (bing?) hakkab kandadele astuma, tulevad Google'lt taas uudised, mis kahtlused pühivad!
Google' otsingud saavad toimuma reaalajas - lähemalt saab lugeda: Google Sharpens Search With Real-Time Results, Android Photo Finder, kust saab lugeda, et "Google has introduced new technologies to pump up its search abilities. A new real-time search tool updates the user's query results with recent news, blog postings and social network updates on the topic shortly after they're published. With Google Goggles, Android users can perform searches using an image of an object taken with a cellphone camera."
Reaalaja otsingutest ja muudestki arengutest saab lugeda ka artiklist Google Search Goes Real Time vahendusel. (Search is changing at Google, with new real-time, voice-driven translation, and image recognition capabilities.)

Google plaanib ka oma mobiiltelefoni? Lähemalt saab lugeda: Does 'X' Mark the Spot for Google's Nexus One? Artikli sissejuhatus selgitab: "Some Google employees are chowing down on the company's new flavor of dogfood: a so-called mobile lab that may be a strong iPhone competitor if it hits the market in 2010 as rumored. Google acknowledged the existence of the project in a blog post following the appearance of photos online, but it has offered no details. The name "Nexus One" showed up on an FCC document uncovered by Engadget."

Ja siis kogub järjest hoogu kevadel tutvustatud Google Wave, mis väga põnev tundub!

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