reede, 2. mai 2014

millal eelistada paberraamatut? Ka tulevikus

Seni on arvatud, et inimesed eelistavad paberraamatuid harjumusest. Kuid laste ja noorte lugemise uuringud näitavad, et põhjus võib peituda mujal..
Huvitav populaarne ülevaade Wired'i vahendusel: Why the Smart Reading Device of the Future May Be … Paper
Väike katke:
"When reading on paper, Ackerman’s students seemed to have a better sense of their own understanding. When reading on screen, they thought they absorbed information readily, but tests showed otherwise. Screens seemed to foster overconfidence. With practice, this could be corrected, said Ackerman, but “the natural learning process on paper is more thorough than on screen.”"

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