neljapäev, 28. oktoober 2010

Veebimaterjalide arhiveerimisest

Hea kolleeg Karin TLÜst tutvus käesoleva blogiga ja arvas, et järgnev materjal võiks siia sobida: eelmise nädala The Economist'ist pärinev artikkel National libraries start to preserve the web, but cannot save everything.
"[...]Adam Farquhar, in charge of digital projects for the British Library, points out that the world has in some ways a better record of the beginning of the 20th century than of the beginning of the 21st."
"[...]In 2003 eleven national libraries and the Internet Archive launched a project to preserve “born-digital” information: the kind that has never existed as anything but digitally. Called the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), it now includes 39 large institutional libraries. But the task is impossible. One reason is the sheer amount of data on the web. The groups have already collected several petabytes of data (a petabyte can hold roughly 10 trillion copies of this article)."
"[...]The daily death of countless websites has brought a new sense of urgency—and forced libraries to adapt culturally as well. Past practice was to tag every new document as it arrived. Now precision must be sacrificed to scale and speed. The task started before standards, goals or budgets are set. And they may yet change. Just like many websites, libraries will be stuck in what is known as “permanent beta”.
Tekst on ise kõnekas ja artikli järel olevad kommentaarid ka täiendavad seda. Niipalju vaid lisaks veel omalt poolt, et artikli pealkiri on natuke desinformeeriv, kuna rahvusraamatukogud on juba ammu veebiressursside talletamisega alustanud (sh Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu), iseasi - mis mahus. Kuna kõike talletada ei saa (ja kas peakski?), raha ei ole jms.

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