kolmapäev, 21. jaanuar 2009

Twitteri kasulikkus reaalses elus

Kui omada võrgustikku, kes kõik kasutavad Twitterit (hetkel populaarseim miniblogimise keskkond), siis võib see olla nii kasulik kui vahva. Järgnevalt viide materjalile, kus loetletakse 9 võimalust, mil moel Twitter võib meile abiks olla igapäevaelus: 9 Ways Twitter Can Help in the Real World.
Artiklist leiab viiteid ka huvitavale seonduvale lugemismaterjalile.

reede, 16. jaanuar 2009

Parimad elukutsed 2009: raamatukoguhoidja

Kolleegide abiga jäi silma järgmine postitus juba möödunud aasta US News and World Report'ist: Best Careers 2009: Librarian

Mõned väljavõtted:
"...Librarianship is an underrated career. Most librarians love helping patrons solve their problems and, in the process, learning new things. Librarians may also go on shopping sprees, deciding which books and online resources to buy. They may even get to put on performances, like children's puppet shows, and run other programs, like book discussion groups for elders. On top of it all, librarians' work environment is usually pleasant and the work hours reasonable, although you may have to work nights and/or weekends."

"...A Day in the Life. You work in a small municipal library, where you have to do a little of everything. You start your day by leafing through catalogs from online database publishers and book reviews in Library Journal to decide which titles to add to your collection. Next, it's out to the reference desk, where visitors regularly ask how to find something. Sometimes, it's esoteric; often, it's the bathroom. Later, you teach a class: an advanced lesson in Googling. Next, it's back to the reference desk, but you're soon interrupted by a group of boisterous kids, so you have to turn into schoolmarm: "You'll have to be quiet, or I'll have to ask you to leave." You end your day reading about "automated librarianship": data storage systems that let the public get needed resources without the help of a live librarian. Tomorrow, you decide, you'll start writing a grant proposal to develop a computer kiosk that will help patrons find health information.
Smart Specialty
Special librarian. All sorts of organizations need librarians, not just public libraries. They work for colleges, law firms, hospitals, prisons, corporations, legislatures, the military, and nonprofit agencies. In fact, special librarianship is the field's fastest-growing job market. Unlike public and university jobs, which require night and weekend hours, these jobs are mostly 9 to 5."

Ja omale viidates, siis TÜ VKAs raamatukogundus ja infokeskkonnad eriala kohta leiab siit :)